Free Choice Research Paper
Objective: Students use research methods to
write an informative essay in Spanish.
Instructions: Students will choose a topic on
which to create an investigative report.
1. Choose topic and turn into Ms.
Riordan. (One – three sentences describing what you will investigate and why
you chose the topic)
2. Begin your investigation.
3. Use at least 5 different sources when
doing your research. Sources can be in English or Spanish. Keep track of the
sources used and page numbers to turn into me with your project – bibliography.
4. Create an outline of your project.
5. Begin writing an introduction, body,
and conclusion.
6. Have your research essay proof read
by a peer.
7. Type or handwrite final essay to turn
into Ms. Riordan. Final essay must be at least 2 pages typed or three pages
handwritten in SPANISH😊
8. Read your final essay to the class
and upload to Seesaw. *You can include visuals, but it’s not required.
9. Turn in: Rubric, bibliography,
outline, rough draft with peer corrections, final essay, and any visual aids in
an envelope.
Due dates:
1. Topic: April 2/3, 2018
2. Bibliography with 5 sources and
outline: April 4/5, 2018
3. Rough draft for peer editing: April
9/12, 2018
4. Final draft: April 16/17, 2018