Friday, August 31, 2018

Country Project - due Tuesday / Wednesday

On one sheet of paper you and your partner will create a mini poster about a Spanish speaking country.


1. Flag
2. Outline of country - borders
3. Country name
4. 5 interesting facts
5. 2 drawings or pictures

Be ready to tell the class about your Spanish speaking country!
Grade: 1 assignment grade - completion grade.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Grading Policy 2018-2019

Students’ assignments will be categorized and broken down as follows:
40% - Major Grades such as tests and projects
60% - Daily Assignments including homework as 10%, classwork as 25%, quizzes 25%

Late work
Not completing work on time is a conduct issue. Students who do not turn in homework will receive cuts to their conduct grades. For every 3 assignments that are late, the student’s conduct grade will be cut.

The progression of conduct grades is as follows:
E – Excellent
S – Satisfactory
P – Poor
U – Unsatisfactory

*Please note that poor conduct grades greatly affect a students’ ability to enter magnet and private high schools.

At the end of each cycle, students who have any combination of 3 missing daily grades or one or more missing major grades will receive an incomplete. An incomplete on a report card does make any students participating in extracurricular events ineligible to participate until the incomplete is removed. Any student given an incomplete will be given 1 week from the day that report cards are sent home to complete the missing work. If work is not completed by then, the grade will be calculated with all missing assignments as “0.

I am very excited for my second year at Pin Oak!

I'm fascinated by the Spanish language and cultures. I learned Spanish in Benissa, Spain at a local elementary school. Later, when I moved to Texas I continued studying the language and literature at the high school and college levels. At Trinity University in San Antonio, Spanish was one of my majors. I also had the opportunity in college to attend the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. After college, I moved to Guanajuato, Mexico and taught at the Universidad de Celaya. I speak Spanish at home with my son and we enjoyed a vacation in Spain this past summer. 

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a fantastic summer! I'm looking forward to meeting you at Charger camp and the first day of school.

For our class, please be sure to have the following materials:

  1. Notebook
  2. Binder or folder
  3. Pens or pencils in various colors.